I know most girls, ladies women want to get married and hope to get
married to the right man. Well it is not only women who want to marry
but men too are looking for Mrs. Right. I am talking to women(and men)
who want to get married for the right reasons. ok for the sake of time I
am not going to dwell into right and wrong reasons. I just wnt to make
this as short as I can by the help of God.
I learned that in order
for God to send the right man (or woman for a man) your way at the
"Right time" you have to be in the "Right place". And where is the right
place? You wonder. The right place is in the field (He told them, "The
harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the
harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.; Luke
What or Where is the field?
The field
is in the presence of God. The field is serving God and serving others.
The field is having an intimate relationship with God. Prover 37:4 says
"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your
" Mhhh" you wonder. "Why then did He break me up with so and so whom I believe is the right one for me?" you ask.
my friend, hold up a minute. Firstly, why are you blaming God for your
break up? Secondly, do you know yourself that much to know the right one
for you?
My second question arises from my discovery that until
you know God, until you know Jesus and until you know the Holy Spirit
you have not gotten to know who you really are because without the
knowledge of the Holy Trinity who is God, the you that you think you are
is just the lie that you gathered from the world and satan himself. The
world has a specific type of you that is acceptable and suitable for
"the world".
I know I just confused you with that statement. Ok,
you watch a whole lot of TV, listen to the radio, go through loads of
Magazines and you life, your image and personality is modelled by all of
these things you absorb and ingest through your senses. Think of most
female magazines. The headlines on them: "HOW TO GET MR. RIGHT?" "WHERE
TO PICK UP MR. RIGHT", etc. Ladies quit feeding yourself with lies. Get
into the WORD of God! Please, my friends the word says in Romans 12:2
(Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be
transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test
and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.")
How Do you Renew your mind?
I will say it agin, Get into the word.
Read your Bible like your life depends on it and yes it does depend on
it. See God renew your mind, see Him renew how you see yoursel. The Word
of God is like a mirror. It will show who you really are and should
really be. You know if you look at yourself in the mirror and see your
hair not in place you will fix it. So will looking into the Word. The
Word will convict, correct you and make you wiser than you've ever been.
For real.
Ok, i was talking about getting married. If
you have a realationship with God He will mold you into a suitable
partner for the right one whom He is or has already prepared for you. If
your desire was a handsome, rich man (beautiful, sexy woman) spending
time in His presence will mold your desires and you will then start
desiring for a partner God knows will be suitable for you. You will
start looking or praying for character rather then looks. If you are
faithful God who is forever faithful will add a bonus to the partner He
has for you.
I tell you this because I know it is the truth. Let
God choose your partner. How do you let Him? By giving your life to
Jesus Christ and letting God lead you in life. You wil have the
prosperous life that God has planned for you(Jeremiah 29:11). Remember,
prosperity is not necessarily riches and money (1 Timothy 6:10 For
the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for
money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many
If you are currently in a "flesh"
relationship and you go on your knees for God to approve marriage
between the two of you when you have already married yourselves
"illegally" through fornication, please God is calling you to repent and
start living for Him. I tell you, lots of marriages happened from
pre-marital sexual relationships....How many are happy, peaceful and
stand the test of time? How many of such marriages have faithfulness and
trust in them?
I did not know I was go for so long in
this note. if there are typing and spelling mistakes, I apologize but I
am happy you got the message.
I love you my friends and God loves
you no matter how bad you get. but do not take His love for granted and
continue to hurt Him by refusing to obey. God says: "I give you life or
death. Choose life"

My passion, my fashion and my expressions.... my intentions to get you into action to desire transformation. Being Poetic, prophetic to make your mind tick... Just my thoughts written to move you out of the ordinary way of seeing life, expressing love and attracting Love. Seeds of Affection and Passion Through Expression
Friday, March 30, 2012
Dear Woman, daughter of God. This is a note I wrote
on Woman's day morning of August 09th in 2010. I felt I should repost it and wish you all
a Happy and prosperous life. My HOD at church says it should not be only
one month but January to January. Women should be celebrated everyday.
I feel the same way. Gentlemen it's also advisable you read it and be
transformed on the way you think of women
(mothers,sisters,daughters,aunts, grannies) in your life. I love you
By Faith Monchusi
I was reading my daily devotional book “CHANGE ME LORD” by Maretha Maartens this morning while playing Shirley Caesar’s song “New Season”.
The scripture was Deuteronomy 22:5- 7 but the highlight for me was Deuteronomy 22:5 which says: “A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.”
Well the first impression of the scripture would mean that God is talking about homosexuality and transvestites. Yes it could be about that because anything that goes against the intention of God’s creation and anything quoted in Galatians 6:16-24 is a sin. This is not my reason or topic for writing now.
I read what Maretha Maartens was revealing or teaching about this verse and got to understand that God is referring to the reversal of roles between men and women. The Spirit moved me to write an article or note titled “WOMAN, KNOW YOUR PLACE”.
As women, we have been confused by the world, women liberation and women raising children as single parents. Women have lost the sense of where their place should be in life. I am not talking about the kitchen versus the boardroom. I am referring to the woman’s place spiritually.
As I write this article the Spirit is giving me so much to write about, which makes an article or note for the day not accommodating enough to say all that God is telling me. I will try to make it short if God allows it and maybe continue in the next article.
Woman, know your place. You were created for a great purpose and a great place in the kingdom of God. Firstly I speak to young, single women who are not mothers yet.
Most of us women desire to be in loving and supportive relationships. I have been researching and studying the difference of men and women psychology with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have come to learn that women are highly expressive beings when men tend to bottle up their feelings. I am not a psychologist or psychoanalyst to write on that topic. Let me write what God has told me to write about.
Woman, know your place. Before God created Eve He said “It is not good for a man to be alone,” (Read Genesis 2:18). He then said “I will make him a suitable helper”. Then God put Adam to sleep and out of his rib He moulded Eve. Dear beloved woman of God, note this; God did not say: “Woman it is not good for a man to be alone so make yourself his suitable helper by trying to make him consider you as his suitable helper”. We all tend to make that mistake sometimes. He says, “Woman, know your place.”
Where is your place? Your place is in your private room, on your altar of God, on your knees and in the Holy of Hollies fellowshipping with your Father. Your place is out there doing what God has sent you to do serving and helping those who are in need. Your place is standing in the gap and interceding for the world.
Pray for yourself; pray for your loved ones; pray for the children you are going to have; pray for the men to be men of God; pray against the corruption in the world; pray against the immorality shown to our young ones through the media; pray for God’s protection against child pornography and children being lured by perverts on social networks.
Woman, know your place. Be a woman of faith like Sarah whom by faith God made her womb which was barren to conceive a child at age of 90. Be a woman of faith. (Read Hebrews 11:1-12).
Be a woman of submission and obedience. Be like Mary who when the angel Gabriel told her that she is favoured and will bear a son, did not disobey but said: “May it be done to me as you have said “(Read Luke 1:26-38). Submit yourself to the Lord (read 1 Peter 5:6)
“Humble yourself before the sight of the Lord, He shall lift you up (James 4:10).” Be like Esther who was an orphan and got married to a king but never allowed her prosperity to cloud who she was. She instead risked her life to save the entire nation of Israel. (Read Esther 8:3-17). Be humble and let God use you and He will lift you up.
Be patient and trust in the Lord. Hanna was never bitter at other women bearing children and calling her barren. She knew her place which was in the temple of the Lord where she cried out to God and prayed for a child.(Read 1 Samuel 1:2- 20) Do not be bitter of your friends progressing, having stable relationships, getting married, having children or getting promoted at work. Be happy for them and celebrate with them. Just continue to trust in the Lord and “Put ye first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthews 6:33)
Be committed to your purpose, your calling, your marriage, your family and your service to your church. Rizpa was the wife of Saul, whose sons were murdered by the Gibeonites to avenge themselves against Saul. She went to where they were killed, took a sackcloth and covered the rock where she stayed for days and kept the birds of prey by day and the wild animals by night from touching their dead bodies until her sons were given a proper burial. Learn from this woman who stayed focussed despite the attacks of Satan and those who criticized her.(Read 2 Samuel 21:1-14) Stay steady, hang in there, do not cease praying and keep worshipping God. You will at the end get what you desire. “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3).
There are many great women of the Bible who you can learn from. I still tell you: “Woman, know your place.” Do not be a woman who runs after a man. As worldly as it may sound, it is true that if a man is not chasing after you he is not that into you. Take Naomi’s words of advice to Ruth about Boaz “Wait my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today” (Ruth 3:18)
If a man has shown interest in you, do not lead him, do not try to make him love you by throwing yourself into his face and declaring your love for him. Let him lead you and set the pace for the relationship as Christ (the bridegroom) set the pace of His relationship with us. He loved us (the bride) first and died for us. Allow the man his role as the hunter and be the hunted (know your place). But do not be extremely hard to catch as an animal that preys (predator) gets exhausted at chasing the prey whereas the prey should never go towards the predator.
Be protective of your loved ones, your Spiritual health and your soul (heart and emotions).
How do you do that? Be like Jochebed, the mother of Moses who saw that her son was fine and hid him for 3 months from being killed by Pharaoh’s soldiers. She took a basket, sealed it with tar and pitch and placed her child in it. She then hid the child in the basket amongst reeds in a river. (Read Exodus 2:1-10). You know that important people in you life, your heart, mind; spirit and soul require to be hidden and protected from Satan and the pain of the world.
You have a basket and that basket is your prayers that you must seal and strengthen by studying the word, meditating on the word, confessing the word and living the word. You too will be certain like Jochebed and not worry about your loved ones and yourself being bruised or killed by the world because you know that “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. “ (See 1 John 4:4) and if God is for us then who can be against us? (See Roman’s 8:31)
Give glory to the Lord just like Deborah who was a prophetess and the only female judge (judges lead Israel before kings existed, Judges 4). She was strong and assertive in a man’s world but never allowed her power and leadership ability make her look down on the men or other people. She gave the glory to God. (Read Judges 5:1-31) Whatever you are good at, whatever you are talented in do not see yourself as better and take all the credit. Give all the credit to God because “It is he who gives you power to create wealth. (See Deuteronomy 8:18). Do not emasculate your male partner if you earn more than him. Deborah was married to Lapidoth. She never disrespected her husband because she held a high position in Israel. “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands” (Read 1 Peter 3:1-2) This goes back to the verse that lead me to writing this article: Deuteronomy 22:5. Woman, know your place.
I will continue to remind you about the women mentioned in the Bible who you should learn from. Some women brought positive change, some women got healed, some were forgiven for their sins and given a new start, some had their loved ones resurrected back to life, one who led a life of sin did good for others and became part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, one gave all that she had and got more back. There are also women who made mistakes that we should learn from and not repeat. By God’s grace we have the Bible to study and meditate on it daily. (Read Joshua 1:8).
Woman, know your place. Your place is in the True Vine who is Jesus Christ (Read John 15: 1-7).
Woman, know your place. God says: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” (See John 15:7)
© Copyright 2011Written by Faith Monchusi
Written on the 06/08/2010 for Woman’s Month
By Faith Monchusi
I was reading my daily devotional book “CHANGE ME LORD” by Maretha Maartens this morning while playing Shirley Caesar’s song “New Season”.
The scripture was Deuteronomy 22:5- 7 but the highlight for me was Deuteronomy 22:5 which says: “A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.”
Well the first impression of the scripture would mean that God is talking about homosexuality and transvestites. Yes it could be about that because anything that goes against the intention of God’s creation and anything quoted in Galatians 6:16-24 is a sin. This is not my reason or topic for writing now.
I read what Maretha Maartens was revealing or teaching about this verse and got to understand that God is referring to the reversal of roles between men and women. The Spirit moved me to write an article or note titled “WOMAN, KNOW YOUR PLACE”.
As women, we have been confused by the world, women liberation and women raising children as single parents. Women have lost the sense of where their place should be in life. I am not talking about the kitchen versus the boardroom. I am referring to the woman’s place spiritually.
As I write this article the Spirit is giving me so much to write about, which makes an article or note for the day not accommodating enough to say all that God is telling me. I will try to make it short if God allows it and maybe continue in the next article.
Woman, know your place. You were created for a great purpose and a great place in the kingdom of God. Firstly I speak to young, single women who are not mothers yet.
Most of us women desire to be in loving and supportive relationships. I have been researching and studying the difference of men and women psychology with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I have come to learn that women are highly expressive beings when men tend to bottle up their feelings. I am not a psychologist or psychoanalyst to write on that topic. Let me write what God has told me to write about.
Woman, know your place. Before God created Eve He said “It is not good for a man to be alone,” (Read Genesis 2:18). He then said “I will make him a suitable helper”. Then God put Adam to sleep and out of his rib He moulded Eve. Dear beloved woman of God, note this; God did not say: “Woman it is not good for a man to be alone so make yourself his suitable helper by trying to make him consider you as his suitable helper”. We all tend to make that mistake sometimes. He says, “Woman, know your place.”
Where is your place? Your place is in your private room, on your altar of God, on your knees and in the Holy of Hollies fellowshipping with your Father. Your place is out there doing what God has sent you to do serving and helping those who are in need. Your place is standing in the gap and interceding for the world.
Pray for yourself; pray for your loved ones; pray for the children you are going to have; pray for the men to be men of God; pray against the corruption in the world; pray against the immorality shown to our young ones through the media; pray for God’s protection against child pornography and children being lured by perverts on social networks.
Woman, know your place. Be a woman of faith like Sarah whom by faith God made her womb which was barren to conceive a child at age of 90. Be a woman of faith. (Read Hebrews 11:1-12).
Be a woman of submission and obedience. Be like Mary who when the angel Gabriel told her that she is favoured and will bear a son, did not disobey but said: “May it be done to me as you have said “(Read Luke 1:26-38). Submit yourself to the Lord (read 1 Peter 5:6)
“Humble yourself before the sight of the Lord, He shall lift you up (James 4:10).” Be like Esther who was an orphan and got married to a king but never allowed her prosperity to cloud who she was. She instead risked her life to save the entire nation of Israel. (Read Esther 8:3-17). Be humble and let God use you and He will lift you up.
Be patient and trust in the Lord. Hanna was never bitter at other women bearing children and calling her barren. She knew her place which was in the temple of the Lord where she cried out to God and prayed for a child.(Read 1 Samuel 1:2- 20) Do not be bitter of your friends progressing, having stable relationships, getting married, having children or getting promoted at work. Be happy for them and celebrate with them. Just continue to trust in the Lord and “Put ye first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you (Matthews 6:33)
Be committed to your purpose, your calling, your marriage, your family and your service to your church. Rizpa was the wife of Saul, whose sons were murdered by the Gibeonites to avenge themselves against Saul. She went to where they were killed, took a sackcloth and covered the rock where she stayed for days and kept the birds of prey by day and the wild animals by night from touching their dead bodies until her sons were given a proper burial. Learn from this woman who stayed focussed despite the attacks of Satan and those who criticized her.(Read 2 Samuel 21:1-14) Stay steady, hang in there, do not cease praying and keep worshipping God. You will at the end get what you desire. “Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. (Proverbs 16:3).
There are many great women of the Bible who you can learn from. I still tell you: “Woman, know your place.” Do not be a woman who runs after a man. As worldly as it may sound, it is true that if a man is not chasing after you he is not that into you. Take Naomi’s words of advice to Ruth about Boaz “Wait my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today” (Ruth 3:18)
If a man has shown interest in you, do not lead him, do not try to make him love you by throwing yourself into his face and declaring your love for him. Let him lead you and set the pace for the relationship as Christ (the bridegroom) set the pace of His relationship with us. He loved us (the bride) first and died for us. Allow the man his role as the hunter and be the hunted (know your place). But do not be extremely hard to catch as an animal that preys (predator) gets exhausted at chasing the prey whereas the prey should never go towards the predator.
Be protective of your loved ones, your Spiritual health and your soul (heart and emotions).
How do you do that? Be like Jochebed, the mother of Moses who saw that her son was fine and hid him for 3 months from being killed by Pharaoh’s soldiers. She took a basket, sealed it with tar and pitch and placed her child in it. She then hid the child in the basket amongst reeds in a river. (Read Exodus 2:1-10). You know that important people in you life, your heart, mind; spirit and soul require to be hidden and protected from Satan and the pain of the world.
You have a basket and that basket is your prayers that you must seal and strengthen by studying the word, meditating on the word, confessing the word and living the word. You too will be certain like Jochebed and not worry about your loved ones and yourself being bruised or killed by the world because you know that “Greater is He that is in you than He that is in the world. “ (See 1 John 4:4) and if God is for us then who can be against us? (See Roman’s 8:31)
Give glory to the Lord just like Deborah who was a prophetess and the only female judge (judges lead Israel before kings existed, Judges 4). She was strong and assertive in a man’s world but never allowed her power and leadership ability make her look down on the men or other people. She gave the glory to God. (Read Judges 5:1-31) Whatever you are good at, whatever you are talented in do not see yourself as better and take all the credit. Give all the credit to God because “It is he who gives you power to create wealth. (See Deuteronomy 8:18). Do not emasculate your male partner if you earn more than him. Deborah was married to Lapidoth. She never disrespected her husband because she held a high position in Israel. “Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands” (Read 1 Peter 3:1-2) This goes back to the verse that lead me to writing this article: Deuteronomy 22:5. Woman, know your place.
I will continue to remind you about the women mentioned in the Bible who you should learn from. Some women brought positive change, some women got healed, some were forgiven for their sins and given a new start, some had their loved ones resurrected back to life, one who led a life of sin did good for others and became part of the genealogy of Jesus Christ, one gave all that she had and got more back. There are also women who made mistakes that we should learn from and not repeat. By God’s grace we have the Bible to study and meditate on it daily. (Read Joshua 1:8).
Woman, know your place. Your place is in the True Vine who is Jesus Christ (Read John 15: 1-7).
Woman, know your place. God says: “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you.” (See John 15:7)
© Copyright 2011Written by Faith Monchusi
Written on the 06/08/2010 for Woman’s Month
Thursday, March 15, 2012
His smile, his eyes, his laugh, his walk
The way he looks at me… Like I am this beautiful
Light he has not seen in a while
The way he touches me …in such a way that
He does not arouse me, like a friend
I know he is not aware, I know it is unintentional of him to
make me feel that way
I miss him so much
Would you believe me if I told you that I do not fall in
love but I just love you unintetionally?
Even if I tried to just be friends I
would still love you because love is what flows in my veins.
So many times my
heart has been broken by others.... unintentionally
Yet even when it broke it never
bled because
My heart flows of love and not blood.
I was born out of love and born to love
So loving you is
unintetional, it is natural.
It is who I am. It is my being to love.
If you
want to take the breath out of my body
You do not need to choke me,
You do not
have to stab me,
All you have to do is to tell me not to love you
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
How many cigarettes does your father smoke in one day's time? Ten! 1, 2, 3, 4,......"
I remember we used to play that game growing up and it never used to make sense to me who came up with such a stupid game or words to the game but for the sake of counting and seeing who will be the last one standing I played along.
Growing up and getting in to tertiary I noticed how girls picked up the habit and it seemed to them as cool or... "alluring?" . It never used to make sense to me until one day I picked up a sealed box of Rothman's King Size cigarettes, went to my Res room at Wits Technikon and lit up one cigarette. As Laura Biel described in the note before this one I had a momentary drowsiness. Well I coughed like I was dying initially. The next moment I had turned into a secret smoker doing it in the privacy of my room until I became a social smoker singing to Lil' Kim's "Put your lighters up!"
My conscience did not enjoy it as much as my lungs and gums were disagreeing with this smelly, teeth-staining habit. I started to cough so badly my boyfriend then who was a doctor insisted I must go for a TB check up. My lips were not black but had become pink that my mom thought I had some sort of deficiency. My gums started bleeding and this is a condition with a big name caused by smoking- GINGIVITIS. I acted like I don't know what causes the bleeding as I knew it was smoking and I hoped the dentist does not say it in front of my mom.
With me it was a conditioned habit, I will only crave smoking when there are no adults around and everytime I did it I asked myself, "What kind of a mother am I gonna be? Am I gonna hide from my children or do it in front of them?" I thank God for my body rejecting the cigarettes and me obeying the slow deteriorating of my body. I quit smoking before I even got a revelation of the scripture about the body being the temple of the Lord. Nicotine free forever by God's grace.
I see girls walking around "IN PUBLIC!!" puffing cigarettes like they are fixing their hair. Girls it looks ugly!! Forgive me for this word but it looks TACKY!!! You might be all dressed to the nines, lovely dress, beautiful shoes, well done hair but....light up a cigarette...poooooffff!!! goes your beauty. It goes literally.
With every drag, your skin will sag.
And so will your teeth be stained
Yellow is in but not on your teeth
No lotion can rehydrate skin that has no blood flow
Because yes even if you hide it will show
And have you heard what it does to you bones
Can you spell OSTEOPOROSIS....
Look up the health guide and see what it is
Contraceptives plus smoking equals CANCER
What if you encounter INFERTILITY?
Count the chemicals, subtract your lifetime.
Guys, men, boys.... It does not look, cool, sexy or manly it just looks STUPID. Think about it, cars and locomotives exhale it and you ....INHALE it?!!! Look at your hands and compare them to the hands of you buddy who does not smoke. If the effects are not yet showing, you are slowly applying to have a miner's hands. Your heavy, painful breathing is scary! You are wasting money on cologne and smells YUCKY when combined with your cigarette-smelling self. If you didn't know here's a tip:
Saggy is not acceptable even if its your worn out baggy jeans
Cos if its on your face that is wrinkling while you are in your teens
No woman would want a man who reminds her of an old tree
Bad skin that is intentionally brought about by nicotine
Is just not so on, no matter how much your pockets contain
Why must she overuse her perfume to cover the smell of your smoke-clothed skin?
Irregular heartbeats not brought about by love
Blood- CLOTS clotting the movement of oxygen to your heart
That is application for early retirement and exit to life
And as you drag think if you want to have babies one day
Because yes, smoking does DECREASE SPERM COUNT!!
Take another drag and be willing CHOKE or suffer from a STROKE!
My work here is done. The word is out. If you don't believe me do your RESEARCH. If you hate Google read your box of death. And hey do the MATHEMATICS. How many cigarettes does your father smoke in one day's time? Rather How many cigarettes does your boyfriend or girlfriend or do you smoke in one day's time? And HOW MUCH a week do you spend multiplied by 12months? Lifecover premiums......??? See how much you would save.
How many R100 notes do you smoke in one month? How many toothpaste producers, perfume sellers, life insurance companies, dentists, doctors, hospital bills and other health procedures will you burn your money for?
I remember we used to play that game growing up and it never used to make sense to me who came up with such a stupid game or words to the game but for the sake of counting and seeing who will be the last one standing I played along.
Growing up and getting in to tertiary I noticed how girls picked up the habit and it seemed to them as cool or... "alluring?" . It never used to make sense to me until one day I picked up a sealed box of Rothman's King Size cigarettes, went to my Res room at Wits Technikon and lit up one cigarette. As Laura Biel described in the note before this one I had a momentary drowsiness. Well I coughed like I was dying initially. The next moment I had turned into a secret smoker doing it in the privacy of my room until I became a social smoker singing to Lil' Kim's "Put your lighters up!"
My conscience did not enjoy it as much as my lungs and gums were disagreeing with this smelly, teeth-staining habit. I started to cough so badly my boyfriend then who was a doctor insisted I must go for a TB check up. My lips were not black but had become pink that my mom thought I had some sort of deficiency. My gums started bleeding and this is a condition with a big name caused by smoking- GINGIVITIS. I acted like I don't know what causes the bleeding as I knew it was smoking and I hoped the dentist does not say it in front of my mom.
With me it was a conditioned habit, I will only crave smoking when there are no adults around and everytime I did it I asked myself, "What kind of a mother am I gonna be? Am I gonna hide from my children or do it in front of them?" I thank God for my body rejecting the cigarettes and me obeying the slow deteriorating of my body. I quit smoking before I even got a revelation of the scripture about the body being the temple of the Lord. Nicotine free forever by God's grace.
I see girls walking around "IN PUBLIC!!" puffing cigarettes like they are fixing their hair. Girls it looks ugly!! Forgive me for this word but it looks TACKY!!! You might be all dressed to the nines, lovely dress, beautiful shoes, well done hair but....light up a cigarette...poooooffff!!! goes your beauty. It goes literally.
With every drag, your skin will sag.
And so will your teeth be stained
Yellow is in but not on your teeth
No lotion can rehydrate skin that has no blood flow
Because yes even if you hide it will show
And have you heard what it does to you bones
Can you spell OSTEOPOROSIS....
Look up the health guide and see what it is
Contraceptives plus smoking equals CANCER
What if you encounter INFERTILITY?
Count the chemicals, subtract your lifetime.
Guys, men, boys.... It does not look, cool, sexy or manly it just looks STUPID. Think about it, cars and locomotives exhale it and you ....INHALE it?!!! Look at your hands and compare them to the hands of you buddy who does not smoke. If the effects are not yet showing, you are slowly applying to have a miner's hands. Your heavy, painful breathing is scary! You are wasting money on cologne and smells YUCKY when combined with your cigarette-smelling self. If you didn't know here's a tip:
Saggy is not acceptable even if its your worn out baggy jeans
Cos if its on your face that is wrinkling while you are in your teens
No woman would want a man who reminds her of an old tree
Bad skin that is intentionally brought about by nicotine
Is just not so on, no matter how much your pockets contain
Why must she overuse her perfume to cover the smell of your smoke-clothed skin?
Irregular heartbeats not brought about by love
Blood- CLOTS clotting the movement of oxygen to your heart
That is application for early retirement and exit to life
And as you drag think if you want to have babies one day
Because yes, smoking does DECREASE SPERM COUNT!!
Take another drag and be willing CHOKE or suffer from a STROKE!
My work here is done. The word is out. If you don't believe me do your RESEARCH. If you hate Google read your box of death. And hey do the MATHEMATICS. How many cigarettes does your father smoke in one day's time? Rather How many cigarettes does your boyfriend or girlfriend or do you smoke in one day's time? And HOW MUCH a week do you spend multiplied by 12months? Lifecover premiums......??? See how much you would save.
How many R100 notes do you smoke in one month? How many toothpaste producers, perfume sellers, life insurance companies, dentists, doctors, hospital bills and other health procedures will you burn your money for?
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