Friday, March 30, 2012

Do You Want To Get Married? Serve God Wholeheartedly

 I know most girls, ladies women want to get married and hope to get married to the right man. Well it is not only women who want to marry but men too are looking for Mrs. Right. I am talking to women(and men) who want to get married for the right reasons. ok for the sake of time I am not going to dwell into right and wrong reasons. I just wnt to make this as short as I can by the help of God.
I learned that in order for God to send the right man (or woman for a man) your way at the "Right time" you have to be in the "Right place". And where is the right place? You wonder. The right place is in the field (He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.; Luke 10:2")
 What or Where is the field?
The field is in the presence of God. The field is serving God and serving others. The field is having an intimate relationship with God. Prover 37:4 says "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart"
" Mhhh" you wonder. "Why then did He break me up with so and so whom I believe is the right one for me?" you ask.
Well my friend, hold up a minute. Firstly, why are you blaming God for your break up? Secondly, do you know yourself that much to know the right one for you?
My second question arises from my discovery that until you know God, until you know Jesus and until you know the Holy Spirit you have not gotten to know who you really are because without the knowledge of the Holy Trinity who is God, the you that you think you are is just the lie that you gathered from the world and satan himself. The world has a specific type of you that is acceptable and suitable for "the world".
I know I just confused you with that statement. Ok, you watch a whole lot of TV, listen to the radio, go through loads of Magazines and you life, your image and personality is modelled by all of these things you absorb and ingest through your senses. Think of most female magazines. The headlines on them: "HOW TO GET MR. RIGHT?" "WHERE TO PICK UP MR. RIGHT", etc. Ladies quit feeding yourself with lies. Get into the WORD of God! Please, my friends the word says in Romans 12:2 (Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will.")

How Do you Renew your mind?

I will say it agin, Get into the word. Read your Bible like your life depends on it and yes it does depend on it. See God renew your mind, see Him renew how you see yoursel. The Word of God is like a mirror. It will show who you really are and should really be. You know if you look at yourself in the mirror and see your hair not in place you will fix it. So will looking into the Word. The Word will convict, correct you and make you wiser than you've ever been. For real.

Ok, i was talking about getting married. If you have a realationship with God He will mold you into a suitable partner for the right one whom He is or has already prepared for you. If your desire was a handsome, rich man (beautiful, sexy woman) spending time in His presence will mold your desires and you will then start desiring for a partner God knows will be suitable for you. You will start looking or praying for character rather then looks. If you are faithful God who is forever faithful will add a bonus to the partner He has for you.
I tell you this because I know it is the truth. Let God choose your partner. How do you let Him? By giving your life to Jesus Christ and letting God lead you in life. You wil have the prosperous life that God has planned for you(Jeremiah 29:11). Remember, prosperity is not necessarily riches and money (1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.)

If you are currently in a "flesh" relationship and you go on your knees for God to approve marriage between the two of you when you have already married yourselves "illegally" through fornication, please God is calling you to repent and start living for Him. I tell you, lots of marriages happened from pre-marital sexual relationships....How many are happy, peaceful and stand the test of time? How many of such marriages have faithfulness and trust in them?

I did not know I was go for so long in this note. if there are typing and spelling mistakes, I apologize but I am happy you got the message.
I love you my friends and God loves you no matter how bad you get. but do not take His love for granted and continue to hurt Him by refusing to obey. God says: "I give you life or death. Choose life" 

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