Dear Clothes&Everything New Addict
I know you love shopping because of your love for beautiful new things. I believe nothing pleases you than a brand new garment, the smell of new leather, the texture of a new coat fabric. One thing that excites you the most more than anyting is the figure on the price tag. If anything costs lesser than R999 it is not for you. The only time you buy for less than R999 on an item is in the underwear department but because you have to hit the R999 figure the more of those lacy, beautiful and elasticated garments you buy the merrier and pleased you are.

Oh, woww!! Did you see those new Aranda blankets? "The ones at home are not enough", you think to yourself. Your daughter is still and infant but you feel these shoes they have on sale will never be sold again when she is six years old so you believe you should buy them for her. I love you new pots do they cook better than the ones you have not used?
I know shopaholics are not just women.

Ok maybe you are young and your parents buy stuff for you. Boy, I can imagine your anticipation of sitting in front of your latest, what is it called? an X-box? Wowwwww!!! It's all I can say so where's your Playstation 1 up to..... Ummm I'm clueless on these things. I love your IPhone and what is it you are listening to? Lovely shoes you got on. Oops sorry they are called what? Jordans? Mmmm I see.
Girl your hair is beautiful but you had different hair last week right? Are they cool with coloured weave at your school? Nice one. You also changed your look. Who is your fashion inspiration now? You mean you no longer wear those Katy Perry cute dresses anymore? You are into jeggings, boots and leather? Nice. I can only picture your wardrobe. Now I understand why you take so long to get ready. Too many clothes to decide on.
So you buy anything that is cereal because your children are choosy? Woww!! Corn Flakes, Coco Pops, Rice Crispies, Muesli with what? Yummy I just got hungry from the variety. Can I come for a visit, watch a movie, eat buttered pop corn, crispies, peanuts and chocolate? Mhhhh... But don't food get spoiled since you are always out and getting take aways? Yo! What is grocery bill? Do you NEED all of those things? Every month?
Ok, now that you read this and got to reflect yet feeling defensive and wanting to say you being judged: I am not writing from my own mind as the word says lean not on your own understanding. I am just opening your third eye which is your eye of understanding.
This above is for all of us who can afford to buy a loaf of bread, a carton of milk, a bar of soap, a pair of socks and anything we need to get by. it is not just for the shopaholics but for all of us who have clothes we no longer wear because they are fashion-outdated or the color is so last season. This is for all of us who have more than one jersey, one coat, one pair of boots and blankets we added to the ones we already had saying they are for visitors.
Think about it, have those clothes, shoes, housewear, perfume and everything you bought and used once, twice or even not have used appreciated in value? When you decide to spend R300 on the two of you at a restuarant (believe me it is no sin to enjoy the fruits of your labour) and still having your freezer full of meat and vegetables in their rack, did you take note of that young man who begged for a coin? Well I know we do not all or always carry hard cash or coins on us, but did you find out what is his name and where is he sleeping tonight? I know we can never finish or stop people from begging. But the word of God says "there should not be beggers among you." There will always be beggers. They've been there even when Jesus was still on earth. One thing Jesus never did was overlook beggers or leave preople hungry hence he stopped when called unto Him and He fed 5000 men with just Five loaves and a fish.
My friends, my family and my beloved, I am writing this to remind you and since the word is a double-edged sword I am reminded myself of the great commission. Jesus has called us to feed the hungry, clothe the poor, open the eyes of the blind and the ears of the deaf... are we doing that? Why are we waiting to get rich yet we have a choice of clothes in our cupboards? Why do we shrug our shoulders at the hungry man at the street corner when we have grocery in our cupboards. We either say "Sorry my bother I have no coins" or "Sorry next time". Have you ever seen the parking attendant eating or opening a lunchbox yet even if you never asked him to guard your car and you actually found the parking spot yourself, will it hurt us to buy the R20 meal at KFC, Nandos, Debonairs or anywhere else? Will it take us out of budget. God says he who gives to the poor lends to the Lord.
I am saying this as an eye opener and sharing on the joy God has been pouring into my heart to think of these "invisible" ones. Invisible because society overlooks them. If society had a big broom, society would sweep these God's loved ones off street corners and out of malls and wherever you find them . Because society frowns at them saying "Bayahlupha labantu". We look good, pray hard, pray with and for our brothers and sisters in the Lord, giving each other hugs saying: "It is well. God is faithful."
I thank God for He lives in us those who take cogniscence of those He sends to us to help. I thank God for the friends He brought into my life for every moment I spent with them I have seen God working in the lives of the poor in spirit and everything.
If God says, give the coat you are wearing to that little boy, will you hold on to it because of what you paid for it? Brothers and sisters, these things do not make us but hinder us from receiving the fullness of joy, the overdue complete blessings from God. If you miss that double Mac lunch for that hungry man today do you think you will faint?
Ok this is where I end my note. I am supposed to be working on a an assignment due on Wednesday morning and completing clients garments but I had to do this is I was moved to speak to all of you who are blessed.
On closing, the word of God says if you are faithful with little you will be made ruler over much. Ask yourself: "Can God trust me that when I am wealthy I will give to the poor? Have I been faithful to give out of my need just like the woman who offered her last penny and the widow who baked with her last flour and oil and the boy who gave his lunch to feed 5000 people? Would I really be like the one who washed Jesus with her perfume and dried his feet with her hair (can my Brazillian hair take it?)? So, do you really hope to be wealthy, out of debt and have a good return in your investments?
My shopaholic friend, let's go shop for the poor, let's empty our cupboards, let's give the unopened perfume to our uncle. Whatever you do not use or want someone out there really needs it. Whatever you choose not to eat because of taste someone's stomach is cramping to filled with it.
Scriptures concerning help to the poor
Prov. 19:17 When you help the poor you are lending to the Lord--and he pays wonderful interest on your loan!
1 John 3:17 But if someone who is supposed to be a Christian has money enough to live well, and sees a brother in need, and won't help him--how can God's love be within him ? 1 John 3:18 Little children, let us stop just saying we love people; let us really love them, and show it by our actions. 1 John 3:19 Then we will know for sure, by our actions, that we are on God's side, and our consciences will be clear, even when we stand before the Lord.
James 1:27 The Christian who is pure and without fault, from God the Father's point of view, is the one who takes care of orphans and widows, and who remains true to the Lord--not soiled and dirtied by his contacts with the world.
Psa. 82:3 Give fair judgment to the poor man, the afflicted, the fatherless, the destitute. Psa 82:4 Rescue the poor and helpless from the grasp of evil men.
Prov. 21:13 He who shuts his ears to the cries of the poor will be ignored in his own time of need.
Prov. 28:27 If you give to the poor, your needs will be supplied! But a curse upon those who close their eyes to poverty.
Prov. 22:9 Happy is the generous man, the one who feeds the poor.
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