I am a woman
I am who God says I am not what or who people expect me to be.
I am a woman whether I am real or plastic I am still woman.
I am a woman because when God created me He said I am a woman
Whether I can cook or rather not even know the difference between
Peel and grate, beat or mash, boil or fry
I am a woman because I feel like a woman
Whether I do not know the taste of alcohol or I am drunk all my life
I am a woman, whether I have five children by five different fathers
Or I have not yet received God’s favour to conceive even one
I am a real woman
Whether I fell pregnant before marriage or has been lucky despite
broken condoms, missed pills and one night stands
I am a woman.
Being a woman has nothing to do with what I can do with my hands,
Buy to make myself beautiful or uglier, implants or no implants
I am still a woman
Busty or breast-less due to nature or totally have lost them through cancer
I am still a woman
Whether I have saved myself for the right one
Or I am struggling to buy food for my children through my body
I am still a woman
My history has shaped me but is not part of me now
Whether I did it once or a hundred times with many unknowns
It has not removed the woman in me
I am who God says I am, I am a woman
I am in the process of knowing what I am worth
I am overcoming the heartbreaks in my life
I am getting over the absence of a father and
Embracing my Father who loves me just as I am
I am learning to be independent and not depend
On men’s incompetence to mean what they say
I am getting to understand that there is a man out there
Who will look into my eyes and call me his WOMAN
Despite what I did, what I have, despite my education or career.
I am still a woman
Do not judge me or measure how I am a woman
By what I am doing with my life now
Do not call me unreal by how I express myself or display my beauty
Do not think what I wear or wear less makes me a woman or not
Call me stupid, lazy, uneducated, short-tempered, alcoholic
and all these degrading names
They won't take away me being a woman
What I know or do not know does not
Add or subtract me being a woman
Being saved, holy and sanctified is the grace I have received
it is not my intelligence, it might be by what I experienced
Personally or saw through other women's experiences
I am a woman because when God created me he said
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