Monday, July 22, 2019

Pray More Over Your Marriage Than You Talk About It

In my previous posts about marriage is dwelt  on words: "What to say and not to say to or about our husbands and marriages." Now I amstill on words but this time are not on what to say or not say but we are focusing on what we should do more than say.

We are to  "Determine to pray more words over our marriages than speak about our marriages." How many of us are doing that? Some of us might not be guilty of speaking bad but could either be continuously going on about our marriages or husbands to our friends, colleagues, families and even social media which could create envy and jealousy from some. Or some could always be discussing their marriage "issues" with their husbands.

Choose to be wise by praying more than speaking more. For every word you speak about your marriage, pray maybe about ten or more words over it. Daily when I speak to God in prayer I thank Him for the things my husband is and does, I even  thank Him for what I trust God my husband is becoming instead of continuously going back to Him with the same request. I already speak those things that he is not yet as though he is and believe me he becomes as I pray. Whatever we struggle in I speak as it is successful in prayer. For example, if intimacy or lovemaking dwindles,  I charge up our marriage by speaking what I want to happen.

I am sharing about what I do to show you it works. Words and prayer have been the determining factor in our marriage. My husband and I chose to speak, pray and agree on the things our marriage will never become  before we even got married. Till today in the years we've been married we have not experienced them because we continue to pray more over our marriage, speak into our marriage than speak about it to others.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 _"Pray continuously."_