Tuesday, March 6, 2012


How many cigarettes does your father smoke in one day's time? Ten! 1, 2, 3, 4,......"

I remember we used to play that game growing up and it never used to make sense to me who came up with such a stupid game or words to the game but for the sake of counting and seeing who will be the last one standing I played along.

Growing up and getting in to tertiary I noticed how girls picked up the habit and it seemed to them as cool or... "alluring?" . It never used to make sense to me until one day I picked up a sealed box of Rothman's King Size cigarettes, went to my Res room at Wits Technikon and lit up one cigarette. As Laura Biel described in the note before this one I had a momentary drowsiness. Well I coughed like I was dying initially. The next moment I had turned into a secret smoker doing it in the privacy of my room until I became a social smoker singing to Lil' Kim's "Put your lighters up!"

My conscience did not enjoy it as much as my lungs and gums were disagreeing with this smelly, teeth-staining habit. I started to cough so badly my boyfriend then who was a doctor insisted I must go for a TB check up. My lips were not black but had become pink that my mom thought I had some sort of deficiency. My gums started bleeding and this is a condition with a big name caused by smoking- GINGIVITIS. I acted like I don't know what causes the bleeding as I knew it was smoking and I hoped the dentist does not say it in front of my mom.

With me it was a conditioned habit, I will only crave smoking when there are no adults around and everytime I did it I asked myself, "What kind of a mother am I gonna be? Am I gonna hide from my children or do it in front of them?" I thank God for my body rejecting the cigarettes and me obeying the slow deteriorating of my body. I quit smoking before I even got a revelation of the scripture about the body being the temple of the Lord. Nicotine free forever by God's grace.

I see girls walking around "IN PUBLIC!!" puffing cigarettes like they are fixing their hair. Girls it looks ugly!! Forgive me for this word but it looks TACKY!!! You might be all dressed to the nines, lovely dress, beautiful shoes, well done hair but....light up a cigarette...poooooffff!!! goes your beauty. It goes literally.

With every drag, your skin will sag.
And so will your teeth be stained
Yellow is in but not on your teeth
No lotion can rehydrate skin that has no blood flow
Because yes even if you hide it will show
And have you heard what it does to you bones
Can you spell OSTEOPOROSIS....
Look up the health guide and see what it is
Contraceptives plus smoking equals CANCER
What if you encounter INFERTILITY?
Count the chemicals, subtract your lifetime.

Guys, men, boys.... It does not look, cool, sexy or manly it just looks STUPID. Think about it, cars and locomotives exhale it and you ....INHALE it?!!! Look at your hands and compare them to the hands of you buddy who does not smoke. If the effects are not yet showing, you are slowly applying to have a miner's hands. Your heavy, painful breathing is scary! You are wasting money on cologne and smells YUCKY when combined with your cigarette-smelling self. If you didn't know here's a tip:

Saggy is not acceptable even if its your worn out baggy jeans
Cos if its on your face that is wrinkling while you are in your teens
No woman would want a man who reminds her of an old tree
Bad skin that is intentionally brought about by nicotine
Is just not so on, no matter how much your pockets contain
Why must she overuse her perfume to cover the smell of your smoke-clothed skin?
Irregular heartbeats not brought about by love
Blood- CLOTS clotting the movement of oxygen to your heart
That is application for early retirement and exit to life
And as you drag think if you want to have babies one day
Because yes, smoking does DECREASE SPERM COUNT!!
Take another drag and be willing CHOKE or suffer from a STROKE!

My work here is done. The word is out. If you don't believe me do your RESEARCH. If you hate Google read your box of death. And hey do the MATHEMATICS. How many cigarettes does your father smoke in one day's time? Rather How many cigarettes does your boyfriend or girlfriend or do you smoke in one day's time? And HOW MUCH a week do you spend multiplied by 12months? Lifecover premiums......??? See how much you would save.

How many R100 notes do you smoke in one month? How many toothpaste producers, perfume sellers, life insurance companies, dentists, doctors, hospital bills and other health procedures will you burn your money for?

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