Monday, November 26, 2012


It has been while since I have had time to write but believe me I always have time to pray and spend with God. I had this topic in my mind since last week but this was not the title however I trust it has caught your attention.

Every one of us wants to be in a relationship and get married in life because God created us with that desire. In Genesis 2:18 God said: "It is not good for man to be alone. Therefore I will create for him suitable mate" Read the scripture carefully in your Bible. No it does not say: "It is not good for a man to be lonely." God created man to be in relationship where he relates to other people. By relationship I am talking about all types of relationships: Marriage, family, friendship, business, and so on. But before all these relationships man must first have a relationship with God.

People have specific kind or type of people they want to be in a relationship with. Well, not focusing on the physical but on the quality, interest, desires, behaviour, character and all the other intangible things in a person. I fail to understand men and women who will say: "I want prayerful mate who loves God with their heart. He/she must not drink, smoke...." They mention all these things they want and not want but sit down and ask them their daily routines, where they hang out, what they do for fun and what kind of friends they have and none of the things they mentioned feature or are not eliminated in their lifestyle.

Woman, man...where do you hang out? What do you do when you wake up, during the day and at night? Not just when you wake up and go to sleep. How often do you go to church? Do you serve at church? Mhhh...are you still reading or do you think I've started again with my what you perceive as my  boring Christian lifestyle?
Suppose you do not drink but you love hanging out at drinking spots and all your friends still drink like fish (I know you will start reminding me that Jesus hung out with gamblers and prostitutes. No, you need to study more into understanding that scripture) but you want a non-drinker for a lifetime mate. This is like washing a white shirt with colour-fast clothes and believe it will stay white. Where will you meet this person? 

As a woman, do you hope he is hanging out there like you and he will spot you amongst your loud red wine/cider-drinking and maybe smoking friends? Being reserved and silent amongst  a crowd like that does not say: "Non-drinking, spirit-filled and prayerful single woman looking for a Non-drinking, spirit-filled and prayerful single man as lifetime mate." Instead it says: "Moody, boring or dumped woman or frustrated pregnant single woman (pregnant women don't drink alcohol) hoping for a fun-loving, careless heartbreaker to take advantage of her and give her a short-lived excitement.  What I am telling you is true. Women have lowered their value and have switched roles with men by hanging out where men who care less about their end of life hang out. They drink like these men do if not more than them  and cry when these men break their hearts.

I am not talking as someone who is holy than though but as one who knows because I once was duped and blinded by my own flesh. I once thought that life is fun and enjoyable in such places. There is false love in these places. The flesh is exalted in such places so if you are called and anointed to serve God (once you are Christian you are called), you become the most attractive, intriguing, sexy and most wanted person there. If you are really blinded you will go in and out of heartbreaking relationships. If your heart is not getting broken you get so filled with other spirits that make you believe you are not promiscuous if you re not sleeping with them, without realizing you are being emotionally and spiritually promiscuous. With every person you connect with another bond is created and certain boundaries are penetrated. You become spiritually vulnerable which then allows all types of demonic spirits into your life.

People are only scared of sexual diseases which kill the body and care less about spiritually transmitted diseases which kill the soul. Condoms don't prevent them, celibacy or the '8 Dates Rule' don't either. If they do not affect you directly they go into your family spiritual bloodline then you wonder why you have stubborn children when you raised them so well, homosexuality when no one in your family is homosexual, mental disorders and all these other illnesses and behaviours.             

Men of God, I know your advantage is that you can choose who you approach so you can hangout where you desire but can choose the spiritually well-brought up girl who serves in more than one department at your church. Hello, bro...SPIRITUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES are contagious! Note that you will be responsible for this girl's or these girls' (since you have not managed to commit to a relationship that works) spiritual death and you will answer when you get to heaven.

Ok, perhaps you get lucky and meet Mr. or Mrs. Almost Right where you hang out or surprisingly at church. Tell me then, what attracted you to each other? Be honest now; “Your spiritual diet and exercise is not that good. The only time you read your Bible is in church, homecell (if you go) and when you are not to tired from watching soapies and 'Reality' TV programmes. And the longest time you pray is 10 minutes... “Is this man drawn to you by your spiritual beauty or is his flesh provoked by the perverted, lustful, seducing spirits you allowed into your life through where you hangout and from those you hang out with? If he invites you to his place (since now the poor guy is ordered by this perversion living in you) are you going to be this spiritual-conscious woman who will say:"No I would not endanger myself and him and arouse our flesh." or are you going to be the gullible baby Christian who believes that all men who go to church and serve there have the right motifs and want to marry any woman they show interest in?

You might have had this experience and fell victim or rather gave the spirits you gave access into your life to have fun through you and only realize too late that you two should not have had sex before marriage. Now that you caused another to sin you start disliking him and because he too realized pants down too late he stopped seeing you. You both play the blame game and now you sing: "All men are the same." Girlfriend, wake up, repent, wash your face and your eyes. Stop lying to yourself. Accept the fact that you are not strong enough to keep demonic spirits out of your life if you are not soaked in God's presence. Stop filling yourself with mental pictures of everything worldly is for human enjoyment but rather fill yourself with God's truth and knowledge that He created us to worship Him. Find holy spirit-filled friends who will recharge you and cause you to hunger for God and not flesh-fulfilling relationships or excitement. Join a department or more at church and use this time you waste talking and listening to nonsense where you hangout to help others. The time you waste crying over kisses you lost to  frogs hoping the next one becomes your prince should be the time you spend with God.

Believe me there is much more fun serving the Lord. It brings fulfilling, long-lasting and life-changing gratification. Christians and church departments do have fun events and outings. And there are so many prayerful men who love God with their hearts and don’t even drink nor smoke.  Here you will know that a man who will see you, will be attracted to your heart of serving God and not your legs or cleavage you used to not cover before. Because he might have seen you in overalls, mud, sweat and probably unattractive camp clothes. Another thing you might wonder why the men here are not giving you attention, it's because they are not the "one" and they know who they are looking for. However, when you meet him do not throw an engagement party already. Take your time with God and ask Him to lead you and reveal all you need to know about this man.

Ruth met Boaz while working in the field not hanging out at the city market hoping to meet Mr. Right. She then went to her mother-in-law, Naomi and spoke about her encounter. Seek godly counsel too.

Men, the message for you will continue in Part 2 of this blog.

To God be the glory!!   

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